Sunday, July 26, 2015

Hashtags, Planned Parenthood, and the Issue of Awareness

In my last post, I addressed a then-popular hashtag: #LoveWins .  Now, my discussion will include two other hashtags that have recently covered social media.




It may seem odd to draw more attention to something so simple as a hashtag.  But in truth, these symbols play a huge role in our social media-enhanced society.  They promote causes, spread news stories, and help people connect by giving them the ability to search for tweets and posts connected to their subject of interest.  I am not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing that we get so much of our information from social media.  Sure, stories spread like wildfire; but the ease with which we can "retweet" and "share" can make us comfortable in our apathy.  We feel as if we have done our part, simply by spreading the trending stories and sharing our varying opinions.  I saw a quote the other day claiming that "we are drowning in information, but starved for knowledge."  Many people only know about current events that are all over Facebook or Twitter.  They don't take the time to do additional research, to watch the news, or to educate themselves on the state of our country and the world.

Whether you are tech-savvy or not, I am sure you have at least heard of the issues involving Planned Parenthood that have seemingly popped out of nowhere in the last couple of weeks.  Two videos were released within days of each other, recording people who went undercover and interviewed leaders of the organization Planned Parenthood.  The first video showed Dr. Deborah Nucatola discussing the illegal procedures that they use to obtain intact body parts from babies on whom they perform abortions.  These procedures are used so that the body parts can be harvested and sold for prices ranging from $30-100 each.  If you have not yet viewed this video, I would encourage it.  Though it is absolutely revolting, the interview is eye-opening; and I believe that it is necessary for Americans to spread the word about the horrors revealed within.  You can find the link by clicking here.

The second video, released soon after, shows executive Mary Gatter negotiating prices for the baby parts that Planned Parenthood acquires.  She even states at one point in the video "I want a Lamborghini."  But, of course, they would never be in it for the profit...
Watch this video here.

Thanks to Facebook and Twitter, America has quickly been made aware of these shocking disclosures by Planned Parenthood.  People have spread the word using the two hashtags that I mentioned above: #PPSellsBabyParts and #DefundPlannedParenthood.  The purpose of the first is clearly to spread the word about the organization's horrific actions, while the second insists that our citizens are tired of their tax dollars going to those who were portrayed in the videos.

Here are some of my thoughts...  Why is it now that Americans are horrified at what is going on behind the doors of Planned Parenthood facilities across the nation?  Have they become numb to the fact that abortion kills a living human being?  Is it only terrible if abortionists are committing "illegal" acts such as partial-birth abortions and selling of fetal body parts?  I did not hear the cry of "Defund Planned Parenthood" when they were simply killing babies within the boundaries of what the law allows.  

The unborn child is a human being.  Because this has been scientifically proven, it is clear that abortion is murder.  Just because the law currently in place allows for this type of genocide, does that make it right?  Why did it take so long for Americans to realize what is going on...and do they really understand why it is so wrong?

Please do not get me wrong here.  Watching those videos makes my stomach turn.  It makes me angry, sad, and absolutely disgusted.  Planned Parenthood has been breaking the law, and the horrific things that they have been doing must be stopped.  Partial-birth abortions are illegal, as is the selling of human body parts.  But may I remind you that taking the life of an unborn child is legal?  Why has there not been a national outcry against abortion itself?

Too many people go by what is politically correct, and not what is morally and logically right.

I am glad that Planned Parenthood is receiving this negative publicity. The organization has been cloaked under the guise of "trusted health care provider" for too long, and it is time that Americans realize what is really hiding behind the mask of "education" and "family planning".  I only hope that we recognize the severity of the issue that has been there all along; and the terrors of the legal but criminal act that is abortion.

"For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light." -Luke 8:17-