Friday, September 4, 2015

What Can You Do?

Sometimes, we can get overwhelmed.  There are so many different angles you could take when looking at the pro-life movement.  There is so much to do, and every day that abortion is still legal means more lives being lost.

I often feel that I am not doing anything of substance.  What exactly could this blog accomplish to put an end to the terrible practice of abortion?  I'm just one person....and I'm not Abby Johnson or Kristan Hawkins - current pro-life leaders whom I admire very much.  To be honest, I am not yet sure what part I will play in the fight to end abortion.

What I do know is that I will play a part.  My existence will add something to the ever-advancing movement.  I will do whatever I can, whenever I can.  I know God has given me this passion for a reason, and I plan to do something with it.

So what can you do?  Here are some ideas...things that I have done, or have seen others do.

1) Pray.  Pray for the mothers (those who are considering abortion, those who have aborted, those who are living with the results of their decisions).  Pray for the abortion workers, that they would turn from what they are doing and get out of the industry.  Pray for workers who have left the industry; that they would find forgiveness and peace.  Pray for pro-life leaders, and for everyone considering joining the cause.  Pray for America's politicians, that they would stand for life.  Pray for our people...that they would stand up and speak out for the speechless.

2) Run/Donate.  This last March, a friend and I participated in the Gwinnett Life Run.  Proceeds from the 1-mile, 5K, and 10K runs were donated to the Pregnancy Resource Center of Gwinnett and Gwinnett Young Life.  Research to find fundraisers such as these in your can stay in shape while supporting great pro-life organizations!  Even if you do not want to participate in the fundraisers, you can donate and provide your support in that manner.

3) Rally.  Just over a week ago, #WomenBetrayed rallies were held across the nation.  Pro-life advocates peacefully protested outside of Planned Parenthood facilities in various cities.  They held signs proclaiming their message to passing traffic.  On September 10th, a similar rally will be held in Washington, D.C.  Consider getting involved when events such as these are scheduled.

4) Learn.  In order to fight for the pro-life cause in an effective manner, you must know what you are fighting for and what you are fighting against.  Watch the Planned Parenthood videos.  Read up on informative articles.  Talk to workers at your local pregnancy resource center.  Know your facts.  In doing this, you will be better equipped to further our cause.

5) Educate.  Just like you should learn as much as you can about our movement, you should teach others what you are learning.  Make family, friends, and classmates aware of what is going on in the world when it comes to abortion and related issues.  If we can get rid of the ignorance currently facing our culture, we will have already won part of our battle.

These are just five ways that you can become an effective part of the pro-life movement.  It is in no way an all-inclusive list, as there are many other means by which you can get involved.  Whatever you choose, I strongly encourage you to do something.  If everyone does their part, we can move forward and abolish abortion more quickly than if only a few people were to get involved.

Below, I'm going to list some links that you can visit if you are interested in learning more about our cause.  Feel free to check them out, and to find more resources on your own!