Friday, November 13, 2015

Red Cups and Bloody Hands

I am boycotting Starbucks.

It's probably not for the reason you would guess.  I could not care less about the fact that their holiday cups are just plain red, not sporting their usual snowflakes or Christmas trees.  To be quite honest, I don't personally know a single Christian who is upset about the cups.  The one guy who decided to make a video will eventually fade into the background of media once again, and the world will go back to enjoying peppermint mochas and chai lattes just as they were.

But I will be getting my coffee elsewhere.  Why?  Let me explain.

Starbucks funds Planned Parenthood.  Not directly, but they are still sending money to America's biggest abortion business.  How?  Through matching employee's donations to the baby-killing organization.  Planned Parenthood is one of the many companies on the list that employees of Starbucks can donate to, and then have their donations matched.  Those donations can range from $20-1,500! (see

So what does this mean for you? 

I mean; it's not your money going to Planned Parenthood, so it really doesn't matter--right?

Wrong.  Where does Starbucks get the money that they are sending to Planned Parenthood?

You.  Every time you spend $5 on that delicious PSL or venti Cool Lime refresher, your money factors into the millions of dollars of profit that Starbucks rakes in every year.  Your $5 could be going to Planned Parenthood.

This is the same Planned Parenthood that has been seen on video bargaining with big companies for baby body parts.  The same Planned Parenthood that casually discusses the illegal partial-birth abortion operations that it carries out every day.  The same Planned Parenthood that took the lives of 327,653 innocent unborn children within the timeframe of one year. (see Planned Parenthood's 2013-2014 financial report

I don't know about you, but I don't want the money that I spend on coffee to go toward the genocide of the next generation.  Now I realize that that statement probably sounded a bit extreme.  But ever since I heard that Starbucks funds Planned Parenthood, I have known in my heart that I cannot support a company that chooses to do this.

Is it humanly possible to make sure that not a single dollar of your money will ever go to Planned Parenthood?  I highly doubt it.  But personally, I know that Starbucks coffee is most definitely something I can live without.  Something that really won't cause me inconvenience to live without.  There are so many other places to get good coffee...I'm sitting at Jittery Joe's as I type this post.  That's just one example of a great alternative to Starbucks!

Maybe these facts won't strike you in the way that they struck me.  And that's okay.  But I will never drink another Starbucks coffee until they stop funding Planned Parenthood.  Any corporation that is associated with the abortion giant has blood on their hands.  I cannot support a company that funds Planned Parenthood in any way. 

So yes, I am boycotting Starbucks.  And now you know why.  I hope you will join me.

I have made a petition asking Starbucks to cease funding to Planned Parenthood.  Please check it out, sign, and share with everyone you know!  You can find the petition by clicking here.

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