Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Life Before Birth

       Anyone who wishes to be a voice in the pro-life movement must know the reasons for their fight.  Why is it that you and I care so much?  What's the big deal? are two completely different things...right?  Why do we claim that abortion is murder?

       If we do not have answers to these questions (or any questions) that a pro-choice individual might ask, no one will take us seriously.  I mean let's be real here, if someone does not know what they are fighting for, then why does it matter?

       Being informed is one of the most important parts of being pro-life.  You have to know the facts.  If you do, you will stand strong in the faces of both deceit and ignorance.

       So let us start with one of the most vital aspects of our cause.  Abortion is murder.  However, if you simply throw that statement in the face of someone who is staunchly pro-choice, it will not be enough. 
       What is murder?  According to Webster's New World Dictionary, murder is "the unlawful and malicious or premeditated killing of one human being by another; also, any killing done while committing some other felony..."  Even though abortion is not against the law in our country, it does fit the second definition of "unlawful" in the same dictionary: "against moral or ethical standards; immoral".

       Unfortunately, our culture does not hold itself to a high moral or ethical standard, so it is up to us to prove that abortion is indeed murder.  Abortion is clearly a premeditated killing...but many people would argue that the unborn child is not a human being.  This is where claiming that Abortion is murder will not go over with some individuals.  So what is our task in this situation?  Clearly it is to prove that the unborn child is indeed a human being--just as much so as a baby who is living outside of the mother.

       Where should we start?  Because abortion laws are often regulated by the trimester in which the abortion will take place, I would like to outline some highlights of the development of a baby throughout the three trimesters.

The First Trimester (Weeks 1-12)
Day 1: At the moment of conception, the embryo possess about 100,000 genes.  These genes code for everything that the child will develop in the coming weeks.
Days 18-22: The heart forms and begins to beat.
Week 6: Facial features are slowly forming, and arms and legs begin to bud.
Week 8: The baby now has the nerves required to feel pain.
Week 10: Main organs are beginning to function; fingernails and toenails are forming.
Week 11: The baby can now hiccup.
Week 12: You can hear your child's heartbeat using an ultrasound.

 Baby during first trimester in 4D

The Second Trimester (Weeks 13-27)
Week 14: The baby can now suck his/her thumb.
Week 15: The eyes are developed enough to see light through the eyelids.
Week 16: The baby's gender can now be determined.
Week 20: The ears are formed enough to hear and recognize sounds.
Week 24: The taste buds and brain are developing rapidly.
Week 27: Baby can now open and close his/her eyes.

[4D ultrasound at 24 weeks]

The Third Trimester (Weeks 28-42)
Week 28: The baby is capable of dreaming.
Week 37: Technically, the baby is now considered full term.
Week 40: Welcome to the world, Baby!

       As you can see, the baby's development throughout its time in the womb is nothing short of miraculous!  Sadly, In Georgia and many other states, abortion is legal well into the second trimester (more detailed information at  Looking at the facts and pictures listed above, the humanness of the unborn child is quite obvious.  If, according to this evidence, a baby in the womb is a human being; this backs up the statement that I made earlier.  Abortion is murder.  The problem is this: "What we allow is what will continue." (Anonymous)  According to Thomas Jefferson, "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty." 
       These beautiful babies--who can hear, see, and feel pain just like us--are what the fight is all about.  It has become obvious to me and to so many others that laws allowing abortion are clearly unjust.  People must know the whole truth, and it is our job to get the word out.  Resistance is our duty...will you join me?


All images used were obtained from

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