Monday, June 29, 2015

A Problem of Priority


I'm sure you have seen this hashtag countless times in the last couple of days, following the Supreme Court's decision to legalize gay marriage across America.  Though I do oppose this decision, I will not get into that here.  I have a point to make...


That is the hashtag that I plan to use when abortion is abolished across the United States.  Here's my question...why hasn't this happened yet?

I feel a tremendous burden when I think about the equal protection promised in the Constitution of our country.  The 14th Amendment states: "No state shall...deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

I have heard this amendment being used to defend the recent Supreme Court decision.  But if it can be used to defend a person's right to decide who they will marry (no matter the gender), then why does it not apply to the thousands of babies who are aborted every day?  Americans declare  that they don't want the law to dictate whether or not they can marry who they want to marry.  But why does the law say that people can decide whether or not unborn babies have the right to live?

Roe v. Wade was passed in 1973.  Where has our passion gone since then?  I've seen so many posts about the recent SCOTUS decision, but rarely see a word about the horrors of abortion.  This is not an attack against any of my friends on social just makes me wonder when we became numb to the fact that defenseless lives are being taken every single day.  Why don't we hear about it anymore?  Why isn't there a cry for justice coming from every church in America?  Why is a stance for life rarely taken from behind a pulpit?  Why are we so worried about the possibility of offending others that we rarely, if ever, speak up for the speechless?

America is drifting further and further away from God and the moral teachings found in His Word.  I find myself asking God to help America more than I ask Him to bless it...because I know it would be against His nature to bless a country that devalues life as ours does. 

It's time for our priorities to be straight...for our passion to be strong again.  Silence is just another form of approval.  If you aren't against abortion, then you might as well be for it.  Let's redirect our passions and take our stand on the most life-and-death issue facing America today. 

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